FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is in Homasote® Board?

A: Visit this page to see the additional materials, besides post-consumer paper, that are involved in manufacturing Homasote®.

Q: What happens when Homasote gets wet?

A: Visit this page. Homasote 440 SoundBarrier has been used for years as an exterior product with excellent resistance to moisture. Like any quality building product (such as exposed siding, expansion and framing material), you should protect it from saturating moisture, and allow it to dry thoroughly before installing.

Q: Where can Homasote be purchased?

A: Homasote products are available at most lumber and home center locations. Large chains may stock our most popular sizes (1/2", 4' x 8'). For the dealer nearest you, consult the "where to buy" section of this web site.

Q: What is the difference between 440 SoundBarrier, Sound-A-Sote and CarpetBoard?

A: None. Some of the names under which our products have traded have been updated but they all are made of Homasote 440 SoundBarrier.

Q: What does a ½" x 4' x 8' Homasote board cost?

A: Because we ship from one location in New Jersey, freight factors do affect cost. Contact your local dealer for a retail price. "Where to buy"

Q: How do you install Homasote products?

A: For complete installation instructions, refer to the installation page on this web site.