Homasote Products Earns FSC Certification


West Trenton, NJ – Homasote®, the leading manufacturer of quality building products made from recycled materials, announced today it has earned another certification proving the green benefits of using Homasote products, which are made from post-consumer recycled paper.

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), a non-profit organization devoted to encouraging the responsible management of the world's forests, has certified Homasote under recently extended certification criteria that now includes firms whose products are made from post-consumer materials.

Homasote products are now certified under two of FSC's standards: FSC STD 40-007 V01 for manufacturing companies sourcing and using reclaimed materials, and FSC STD 40-004 V02 for trading and manufacturing companies using 100 percent FSC material, FSC mixed sources and FSC recycled material.

"We're delighted to have achieved FSC certification. For decades, our products have offered our customers a sustainable alternative to traditional wood-based materials. The FSC certification is further proof of our ongoing commitment to using only 100% post-consumer fiber in the products we manufacture," Craig Stiffler, President and COO of Homasote.

Also further illustrating Homasote's dedication to green building practices, the company’s 440 SoundBarrier® product recently received a Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Certification based on independent testing for low emitting materials that meets the requirements issued by the California Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). Homasote, also a member of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), helps builders and architects contribute toward LEED® (Leadership in Energy Efficient Design) aggregate credits in several product categories.
